I. Review#
// Copy all files and folders in the /home/ directory to the /jindafu directory
cp /home/* . -r
# Note: Copying folders requires -r Recursive copy (because folders are mentioned)
# Note: All Wildcard *
// Copy the /etc/hosts file to jindafu without prompting for overwrite
Use the absolute path of cp
which cp Find the path of cp
/usr/bin/cp /etc/hosts .
# Note: No prompt when entering the absolute path of the cp command Because cp is an alias, there will be a prompt
// Rename the xiena directory to xienana
mv xiena/ xienana
// Copy all files in the singer directory to the hejiong directory
cp haiquan/singer/* hejiong/
# Note: All Wildcard *
# Note: Copying files does not require -r
// Delete all xienana directories
Use find command or tree to see where xienana is rm -rf path
find /hunantv/ -name “xienana” -exec rm -rf {} \;
// View directory structure tree Check types file
// echo $PS1 $PS2 How to view PS1 PS2
// hostname View hostname
// echo $SHELL View default shell (is bash)
// cat /ect/shells View what shells are available on the machine
sh bash exit
#/etc Stores configuration files
// d directory
- regular file
l link file
c character device file (display)
b block device file (disk)
// reboot Restart the machine
// clear Clear the screen
// alias alias , unalias , vim /root/.bashrc
// env environment variables set all variables
II. . .. Cannot Delete#
// rm -rf will not delete hidden files
rm -rf .lixh Delete hidden files
. and .. cannot be deleted
III. cat#
// ls View the contents of the folder
cat 1. View the contents of the file
2. Can concatenate multiple files together for output
-n, --number Number the output lines
Use case 2: cat tangliangfei.txt wangtc.txt (concatenation function)
First output the contents of tangliangfei.txt, then output the contents of wangtc.txt
tac and cat#
// tac displays in reverse order, from the last line to the first line
cannot use -n
cat displays in order, from the first line to the last line (with -n option)
IV. Redirection#
// > Output redirection, will overwrite the original content, if the file does not exist, it will be created automatically
Redirection: changes the direction of the output that would be displayed on the screen, outputting to a file
>> Append output redirection, will not overwrite the original content, just appends at the end, if the file does not exist, it will be created automatically
> will overwrite the original content, >> will not overwrite, appends at the end
# cat tangliangfei.txt wangtc.txt >tang_wang.txt
# echo 123456789 >>tang_wang.txt
(Learn to combine cat with > and >>)
V. here document#
// Generate a file with specified content --》here document --》mainly used in scripts to generate specified content
// <<EOF defines the ending string
Ends when EOF is entered, end of file
# cat >chenpeng.txt <<EOF (Note 1: It doesn't have to be EOF, but it should be meaningful)
> chen peng (Note 2: 1 > symbol, original content will be overwritten)
> jiangsu
> xinhua
> nongda
> linux
> cali
> EOF (Note 3: Press Enter)
# cat >>cali.txt <<end (Note 1: 2 > symbols, content is appended, not overwritten)
> sanchuang
> nongda
> changsha
VI. Shell Script#
// Shell script: is actually a file that contains many Linux commands, this file can be executed, and when executed, all commands in the file will be executed
# vim first_shell.sh
#!/bin/bash (Note 1: Declare that the interpreter used for this script is bash)
mkdir -p /test (Note 2: No error if it exists, creates if it does not)
cd /test
mkdir sc{1..100}
touch pengyf{1..100}.txt
cp /etc/hosts /test
cat >sanchuang.txt <<EOF (Note 3: After pressing Enter, type directly, no prompt in the text file)
sanchuang hunan changsha furongqu hunannongda
feng de yong
EOF (Note 4: End)
echo "####################################"
cat -n sanchuang.txt
echo "####################################"
Script is written↑↑↑
# bash first_shell.sh Execute the script (Note: The content is as follows)
1 sanchuang hunan changsha furongqu hunannongda
2 feng de yong
3 linux
// When the script is executed, it runs from the first command downwards, if a command fails in the middle, the subsequent commands will still execute (in Python, if there is an error in the middle without exception handling, it will not continue executing)
VII. more#
// more command paginates display (Note 1: no -n option, cat has -n option)
Usage: Full-screen paginated display of file content
Interactive operation methods:
Press Enter to scroll down line by line
Press the space bar to scroll down a page, press b to scroll up a page back
Press q to exit (Note 2: Automatically exits after display, difference from less)
# more messages
VIII. ps aux#
// # ps aux View information about currently running processes in Linux --》Task Manager (ps -aux also works)
# ps -aux|more
# cat messages |more is the same as more messages
# cat -n messages |more Displays line numbers
IX. less#
// less command
Usage: Same as more command, but with more extended features
Interactive operation methods:
Similar to more command, but some operations may differ
【page down】【page up】 Scroll up and down (Note 1: more does not support)
Does not exit after display, press q to exit (Note 2: difference from more)
(Note 3: Also supports space, b, Enter; anything supported by more is also supported by less)
# less messages
# cat messages |less
X. head#
// head command (Note 1: Defaults to take the first 10 lines, consecutive lines)
Usage: View a portion of the beginning of a file (default is 10 lines)
Format: head -n number filename
Format: head -number filename
cat -n passwd |head Displays the first 10 lines, with numbering
head passwd Displays the first 10 lines, without numbering
head -5 passwd Displays the first 5 lines (no numbering)
head -n 5 passwd Displays the first 5 lines (no numbering, same effect as the previous command)
XI. tail#
// tail command
Usage: View a small portion of the end of a file (default is 10 lines)
Format: tail -n number filename
Format: tail -number filename
tail -f filename = tailf # Note: Don't know how to use tailf
# Note: tail -f dynamically monitors changes at the end of the file
tail passwd Get the last 10 lines (no numbering)
cat -n passwd |tail Get the last 10 lines (with numbering)
cat -n passwd |tail -5 Get the last 5 lines (with numbering)
cat -n passwd |tail -1 Last 1 line (with numbering)
cat -n passwd |tail -n 3 Get the last 3 lines (with numbering)
tail -n 2 passwd Displays the last 2 lines
tail -n -2 passwd Same effect as above
tail -n +2 passwd Displays from the 2nd line to the end (Note 1: Usage: When counting how many lines there are, do not want to display the first line, when counting disk mounts do not want to see the title line)
(Note 2: df -Th displays the usage of disk partitions in Linux)
df -Th|tail -n +2 Count disk mounts without displaying the title line
df -Th|tail -n +2|wc -l Count the number of lines
# tail -f feng.txt Dynamically monitor changes at the end of the file
(Note 4: Often used to view changes in log files, troubleshooting based on log records)
(Note 2: Reopen the window to connect, modify the file content on the right, dynamically monitor the changes at the end of the file on the left, displaying new content as it appears) (Note 3: Ctrl+C forcibly terminate)
tail -f extension
Specially suitable for viewing certain log files
/var Stores dynamically changing files variable changeable
log Log: is a record of what happens in the program
# cd /var/log (Note 1: /var/log stores a large number of log files)
# tail -f secure View the secure log file (Note 2: secure security)
(Note 3: Perform operations in another window, the log file will dynamically update at the end)
XII. sed#
1. Get the 3rd line of passwd
# cat -n /etc/passwd|head -3|tail -1 (Note 1: First take the first 3 lines, then take the last line using | pipe)
# cat /etc/passwd|head -3|tail -1 (Note 2: Compared to the above command, no numbering)
2. Get lines 5 to 10 of the passwd file
# Note: This first looks at the end using head because line numbers are counted from front to back
# cat -n /etc/passwd|head |tail -6 (Note 3: First head takes the default first 10 lines, then takes the last six lines)
(Note 4: From line 5 to 10, tail -6, not -5)
# cat -n messages |head -200|tail -101 (100 to 200 lines)
3. Get the 3rd, 5th, and 10th lines
# sed -n '1p;3p;5p' passwd (Note 5: -n is an option, only shows lines that meet the requirements, not line numbers)
Exercise 3 extension
// sed
-n effect: only shows lines that meet the requirements (Note 9: Lines that do not meet the requirements are not displayed)
1p shows the 1st line p is the print command
; Command connector
# cat -n passwd |sed -n ‘1p;3p;5p’ (Note 6: Shows lines 1, 3, 5, with numbering)
# sed -n '1p;3p;5p' passwd (Note 7: No numbering)
(Note 10: Using double quotes "" is also acceptable)
# cat -n passwd |sed -n '3p;5p;10p' Display non-continuous lines 3, 5, 10 (this way shows line numbers)
# cat -n passwd |sed -n '3,10p' Display the content from line 3 to line 10, continuous in between
# cat -n passwd |sed '3,10p' (Note 8: If sed is not followed by -n, it will display all lines [including those that do not meet the requirements], just that lines 3 to 10 will be output twice, so it must be followed by -n)
Summary: sed 1. Displays continuous 2. Displays non-continuous
XIII. grep#
// grep text filtering (filters files, not folder directories)
grep “root” /etc/passwd Lines containing root
grep “^liang” /etc/passwd Lines starting with liang
grep “bash$” /etc/passwd Lines ending with bash
Ctrl + c terminate
// Text processing trio sed grep awk
XIV. which#
which Find executable files and display their locations
The search range is specified by the PATH environment variable
# which mkdir
# cd /usr/bin/
# ll mkdir
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 195192 Apr 10 02:53 mkdir
rwxr-xr-x permissions
r read --》cat vim
w write --》 vim >>
x execute ---》run
# ll first_shell.sh
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root…… (Note 1: Script has no executable permission)
# bash first_shell.sh (Note 2: Use bash to execute it)
# chmod +x first_shell.sh (Note 3: Give it executable permission)
-rwxr-xr-x. root root…… (Note 4: Now has executable permission)
# ./first_shell.sh (Note 5: Execute directly, run in the current terminal, executed by the current bash)
# /lianxi/first_shell.sh (Note 6: Execute directly with absolute path)
# chmod -x first_shell.sh (Note 7: Cancel executable permission)
# /lianxi/first_shell.sh
-bash: /lianxi/first_shell.sh: Permission denied (Note 8: Cannot execute after canceling executable permission)
// whereis Find where the command is placed (Note 1: Similar to which) (Note 2: Not very useful, where the man manual is not very important)
# whereis mkdir
mkdir: /usr/bin/mkdir /usr/share/man/man1/mkdir.1.gz
(Note 2: Compressed file, is its documentation)
1. View command placement path
2. The path of the command's man manual (where the content viewed during man is stored)
// whereis and which differences
Which does not display the man manual path, whereis displays the man manual path
# whereis mkdir
mkdir: /usr/bin/mkdir /usr/share/man/man1/mkdir.1.gz
# which mkdir
// whereis and which both search in the PATH variable (common point)
//PATH is the path
The which command searches for commands in the paths specified by the PATH variable
# which fengdeyong
/usr/bin/which: no fengdeyong in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
(Note 1: Red is the path Note 2: Multiple folders are separated by colons)
# echo $PATH (Note 3: $PATH references the PATH variable)
The search order is from left to right, if found in the first one, it will not look further, and so on
In-depth understanding of the role of the PATH variable#
- Write a file named schello.c
# vim schello.c (Note 1: Write the script as follows) #include<stdio.h> int main(){ printf("hello,world\n"); (Note 2: \n new line) printf("i am cali\n"); return 0; } # file schello.c schello.c: C source, ASCII text (Note 3: C language file, text file, not recognized by the machine)
- Compile into a binary program file
gcc is a compiler in Linux that compiles C source files into binary files
gcc is a compiler in Linux that compiles C source files into binary files
# yum install gcc -y # gcc -o schello schello.c (Note 1: -o outputs a binary file) (Note 2: Command to compile schello.c) # ls (Note 3: schello generated file, schello original file) schello schello.c (Note 2: Generates a green executable file schello) # ll Total 20 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 12744 Sep 18 15:12 schello -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 93 Sep 18 15:08 schello.c # ./schello (Note 4: ./ run) # /lianxi/sc/schello (Note 5: Run with absolute path, both ./ and absolute path can run) # schello cannot run (Note 6: Linux does not know where schello is, it will only look for it in the PATH variable) -bash: schello: command not found (Note 7: The PATH variable does not include the current path, does not include /lianxi/sc) (Solve as follows)
How to let the Linux system know where our commands are?#
1. Adapt the PATH variable by copying our command to a path already in the PATH variable
# echo $PATH
# cp schello /usr/local/bin/
# schello (Note 1: Successfully run)
i am cali
# which schello
/usr/local/bin/schello (Note 2: After copying to the path in the PATH variable, bash can find schello)
2. Modify the PATH variable to add the path where our command is located
① Temporarily modify the PATH variable
# PATH=/lianxi/sc:$PATH Temporarily modify the PATH variable
(Note 3: First reference the value of the PATH variable, then concatenate it with /lianxi/sc: string and assign it to the PATH variable)
(Note 3: $PATH——》/lianxi/sc:+$PATH re-combining——》assigning to the PATH variable from right to left)
# echo $PATH
(Note 4: The new PATH variable, with /lianxi/sc: added at the front)
[root@sanchuang-linux sc]# which schello (Note 5: which can find it)
# schello (Note 6: bash can run)
② Permanently effective
Modify the file to add the PATH variable to make it permanently effective
# vim /root/.bashrc
.bashrc file is executed when the Linux system starts or the user logs in, so it is permanently effective
PATH=/lianxi/sc:$PATH (Note 1: Type it in, place it at the last line)
// mkdir written in C
// # yum install python3 -y Install python3 software
# python3 (Note 1: Enter Python3 interpreter)
>>> a = 10 (Note 2: Prompt >>>)
>>> b = 20 (Note 4: Python does not need to compile, Python code runs directly, interpreted by Python interpreter)
>>> sg = "tangliangfei"
>>> c = a + b
>>> c
>>> print(sg) (Note 3: Output)
>>> exit() (Note 5: exit() exits, exit() is the exit function)
// Extension
.py files are Python program files
.sh files are shell scripts
.c files are C language files
# vim sc_py_hello.py
#!/usr/bin/python3 (Note 1: which python3——》/usr/bin/python3)
(Note 2: Declare that the script is a Python script, commands inside are interpreted by Python3 interpreter)
username = input("please input your name:") (Note 3: The text in quotes is just a prompt, indicating what to input)
(Note 4: The input() function will receive your input and assign it to username)
age = input("please input your age:")
print(f"your name is {username} ,your age is {age}") (Note 5: print(f ) syntax)
(Note 6: {username}{age} references the values of the variables)
# ls
schello schello.c sc_py_hello.py
# python3 sc_py_hello.py (Note 7: Directly execute Python3, similar to bash a.sh)
please input your name:cali
please input your age:18
your name is cali ,your age is 18
[root@sanchuang-linux sc]# cat sc_py_hello.py
/lianxi/sc/sc_py_hello.py (Note 1: Cannot run directly, as below permission denied, use pwd to check the path)#
-bash: /lianxi/sc/sc_py_hello.py: Permission denied
chmod +x sc_py_hello.py (Note 2: Give it executable permission)#
/lianxi/sc/sc_py_hello.py (Note 3: Now can run directly)#
please input your name
please input your age:18
your name is wangtc ,your age is 18
// How to let sc_py_hello.py run in the PATH variable
# which sc_py_hello.py (Note 1: Can run because the path has been added to the PATH variable (/lianxi/sc) before)
# sc_py_hello.py (Note 2: Can run because the path has been added to the PATH variable (/lianxi/sc) before)
# echo $PATH
Summary: It doesn't matter what language it is written in
1. Place it in the path where the PATH variable is located, and 2. Give it executable permission to run directly
# chmod -x sc_py_hello.py (Note 3: Cancel executable permission)
# sc_py_hello.py (Note 4: Cannot run without executable permission, even if the path is in the PATH variable)
-bash: /lianxi/sc/sc_py_hello.py: Permission denied
Summary: For Python programs, it is essential to 1. Give it executable permission, and 2. Place it in the path where the PATH variable is located, otherwise it cannot be executed
// Extension (Note 2: Summary: If the file name is long, consider using an alias [shortcut key])
# alias sc_py_hello=sc_py_hello.py Define an alias to shorten the command length
# sc_py_hello (Note 1: If you don't want to type so long, you can use an alias, which can be used to be lazy)
please input your name:feng (Run successfully, provided it is in the PATH variable path and has executable permission, as above)
please input your age:19
your name is feng ,your age is 19
# which sc_py_hello
alias sc_py_hello='sc_py_hello.py'
XVI. bash#
//bash is a very good shell parser in Linux (Note 1: Two things to do)
1. Find commands --》In the path of the PATH variable
2. Tell the kernel to start the command (run this command)
XVII. /usr#
// /usr stores Linux program directories unix system resource
/usr/bin stores binary programs, all users can use binary
/usr/sbin stores binary programs, programs executed by users with higher permissions (root) super user binary
# which useradd (Note 1: Find the path of the useradd command)
/usr/sbin/useradd (Note 2: Stored in the sbin directory)
# su - xulilin (Note 3: Switch to a regular user)
$ which useradd
$ /usr/sbin/useradd
$ useradd xu123 (Note 4: Regular users cannot execute commands in sbin/)
……Error useradd:Permission denied (Note 5: Permission denied)
XVIII. locate#
// locate knowledge point (Note 4: Needs to be installed) (Note 5: Often needs to be updated # updatedb)
# yum provides locate -y Query which software package provides locate (Note 1: New knowledge point)
mlocate-0.26-20.el8.x86_64 : An utility for finding files by name
(Note 3: yum provides …… -y queries which command is provided by which software package)
(Note 2: From the result, we know that mlocate provides the locate command)
# yum install mlocate -y Install mlocate software
locate command
Format: locate filename
(Note 5: locate searches its own database, can be specific to /, and must update its own database)
Searches based on the daily updated database (/var/lib/mlocate), speed is fast
database database (Note 6: Explanation of db)
The content in the database is generated based on the content under the /
The database is automatically updated every day /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db
Manually update the database updatedb
# updatedb Generate and update the database mlocate.db (Note 1: Manual update)
# cd /var/lib/mlocate/
# ls
# locate mkdir (Note 2: Finds all files in the Linux system whose names contain mkdir)
# which mkdir (Note 3: Only finds /usr's mkdir, does not find mkdir elsewhere)
The range of locate search:
/--》Search in the mlocate.db (Note 2: Search in the root's own database mlocate.db)
Method: Fuzzy search, file names just need to contain it
Disadvantage: New files may not be found sometimes, because the database has not been updated --》updatedb (Note 3: Manual update)
Can search for any file (Note 4: New files, # updatedb manually update the database, otherwise cannot be found)
which search range:
Only in the PATH variable
Method: Exact search (Note 1: File names must be exactly the same)
Can only search for commands
which, whereis, locate, find#
// which, whereis, locate, find command search types
Which, whereis can only find commands
locate can also find ordinary files, can find any files
XIX. find#
//* find command
Format: find [search range] [search condition] [action]
find can find 1. commands, 2. files (i.e., any files)
(Note 1: Integrates all functions of which, whereis, locate)
find command
Usage: Used to find files or directories
Format: find [search range] [search condition] [action]
Common search conditions
==-name==: Search by file name
==-iname==: Search by file name, case insensitive
==-size==: Search by file size
-user: Search by file owner
==-type==: Search by file type
-perm : Search by file permissions
==-mtime== : Search by file modification time
-newer: Search for files newer than a specific file
-name and -iname
# find /lianxi -name "lixh.txt" (Note 1: Exact search, -name searches by file name)
# find / -name "schello" (Note 2: Exact search, can search under /)
# find / -name "schello*" (Note 3: * fuzzy search, can search under /)
# find / -name "li*.txt" (Note 4: * fuzzy search)
# find / -iname "lixh.txt" (Note 5: -iname searches for file names case insensitive)
-size (size)
# ll -h View the size of each file in the folder
# du -a View the size of each file in the folder (unit KB)
du -ah View the size of each file in the folder (unit K, M, G)
# find /boot -size +1M (Note 1: +1M greater than 1M, find all) (Note 2: -1M, 1M: less than 1M, equal to 1M)
/boot/grub2/fonts/unicode.pf2 (Note 3: The search result is not particularly precise)
-type (type)
# find . -type d (Note 1: Find directories)
# find . -type f (Note 2: Find regular files)
# find . -type l (Note 3: Find link files)
# find . -type c (Note 4: Find character device files)
# find . -type b (Note 5: Find block device files)
# find . -type p (Note 6: Find pipe files)
# find . -type s (Note 7: Find socket files) (files for inter-process communication)
-mtime (in 24-hour units) Search by file modification time
-mmin (in minute units)
# find . -time +1 More than 1 day ago
# find . -time -1 Within 1 day
# find . -mmin -30 Within 30 minutes
# find . -mmin +30 More than 30 minutes ago
-user (which user created the file) (not very useful)
# find . -user root
# find / -user cali
-newer (files newer than the specified file, files created later)
# find . -newer feng.txt
// Special search conditions
-o : Logical OR, as long as one of the given conditions is satisfied, the search condition is considered satisfied or
-not : Logical NOT, can be represented in the command by “!” This operator indicates to find files that do not meet the given conditions
-a: Logical AND, the system defaults to AND, can be omitted, indicating that only when all given conditions are satisfied, the search condition is considered satisfied
find /boot -size +1024k -a -name “vmlinuz*” (Note 1: Logical AND -a can be omitted, the system defaults to logical AND)
find /boot -size +1024k -o -name “vmlinuz*”
find . -user nie -type f -size +1k -o -name "vmlinuz*"
find . -user nie -type f \( -size +1k -o -name "vmlinuz*" \) (Note 3: () changes the priority, \ explanation below) (Note 5: \( \) means () change the priority)
find /home !-user hello -exec ls -ld {} \;
\ Escape character (Note 2: Because parentheses () have special effects, connecting after / makes it represent only parentheses)
By default, -a has a higher priority, executing logical AND (-a) first, then executing logical OR (-o)
# find / -iname "*.conf" -size +1k -type f -user root -o -size +10M
(Note 4: The front part forms a condition, either satisfying the condition before -o or satisfying the condition after -o)
// Extension, following the command above -exec and -ok
# find /lianxi -name "li*.txt" -exec rm -rf {} \; (Note 1: The front part is the search, -exec indicates the action to be executed) Related explanation below
-exec Execute the command that follows
rm -rf Specific delete command
{} Represents the content found by the previous find, understood as a container storing the content found by the previous find
\; Indicates the end of the find command
# find /lianxi -name "*.txt" -size +1k -type f -exec cp {} /fengdeyong \;
(Note 2: Files ending with .txt, larger than 1k, files, copy to fengdeyong)
(Note 3: find looks under /lianxi at every level)
-ok lets you confirm before executing
# find . -name "*wang*" -ok rm -rf {} \;
< rm ... ./wangtc.txt > ? y
< rm ... ./tang_wang.txt > ? y
Summary: -exec executes the command without confirmation (commonly used in scripts for convenience)
-ok executes the command and requires confirmation
-maxdepth When searching for files, the depth of the directory
# find . -name bb
# find . -maxdepth 1 -name bb (Note 2: Only dig 1 level)
# find . -maxdepth 2 -name bb (Note 3: Only dig 2 levels)
# find . -maxdepth 3 -name bb (Note 4: Only dig 3 levels)
(Note 1: If not followed by -maxdepth, it will dig as many layers as there are)
# find /lianxi -name "*.txt"
(Note 6: If not followed by -maxdepth, too many things will be dug too deep)
# find /lianxi -maxdepth 1 -name "*.txt"
(Note 5: This situation is often used, only want to find 1 layer, do not want to see subfolders and sub-subfolders)
/lianxi/tangliangfei.txt (Note 7: Display as follows)
// ! Using negation, following the command above (Note 1: Not *.txt under lianxi)
# find /lianxi -maxdepth 1 ! -name "*.txt" (Only negates the condition that follows)