


08_Linux Basics - vim - tmux - Character Encoding

1. vim#

Text editor - vim (==edit text==)

Windows: Notepad, Word, Sublime, PyCharm

Can edit music, video, images? Answer: No, ==can only edit text==


​ vi (==character interface==), vim (==character interface==), gedit (==graphical==)

==Unix installs vi==

vim is an ==enhanced version== of vi (adding other features on top of vi)

Purpose of vim editor#

The purpose of vim editor ==is==:

==1. Write scripts and programs==

==2. Modify configuration files==

==3. Perform some text processing==

vim modes#

vim has three most commonly used basic modes: command mode, edit mode (insert mode), last line mode, visual mode, replace mode

vim has three most commonly used ==basic== modes:

==Command mode==

==Edit mode==

==Last line mode==

There are also two other ==less commonly used== modes:

==Visual mode==

==Replace mode==

vim command mode#

==Command mode: vim a / ESC==

​ ==Cannot edit==, only allows quick operations like delete, copy, paste, undo, etc., this mode is entered by default when opening a file

==yy copy==

==p paste==

==dd delete==

==u undo==

==Command mode== acts as an ==intermediary==

Exiting each mode will ==return to command mode==, command mode can enter all modes

vim edit mode#

Edit mode ESC ==i==

-- Insert --

​ Insert mode, for ==text editing==


Operation key Function

​ ==i== Cursor enters insert mode at the ==current== position

​ I Cursor ==jumps to the beginning of the line== and enters insert mode

​ a Cursor ==moves back one space== and enters insert mode

​ A Cursor ==moves to the end of the line== and enters insert mode

​ ==o== Starts a new line below the cursor's current ==line== and enters insert mode

​ ==O== Starts a new line above the cursor's current ==line== and enters insert mode

​ s ==Deletes== the character at the cursor's ==position== and enters insert mode

​ S ==Deletes== the current ==line== where the cursor is and enters insert mode

vim last line mode#

Last line mode ESC ==:==


Enter commands, set environment, save files, search and replace


Operation key Function

​ ==== Exit ==if no changes have been made to the file==

​ ==!== ==Discard changes== and ==exit==

​ == Save== the current file and ==exit==

​ ==! Force save== the current file and ==exit==

​ == Save== the current file and ==exit==

​ ==! Force save== the current file and ==exit==

​ ==ZZ Save== the current file and ==exit==

vim visual mode#

Visual mode ESC ==v, V, ctrl+v==

-- Visual Line --

​ Select specific blocks of text for copying, modifying, etc.

Small ==v==: Select ==part of the line==

Large ==V==: Select ==the entire line==

==Ctrl + v== : Select ==block== Insert with I Exit mode to command mode (Esc), at this point everything is added

vim replace mode#

Replace mode ESC ==R==

-- Replace --


123 hello456 789
xxx helloyyy zzz
xxx yyy zzz


Class Exercise 1 Insert Mode

123 456
123 4
xyz 789
xyz 789



==v== Small v Visual mode ---》 Select a portion

==y== Press y to copy

==o== Press o to start a new line, enter insert mode

==P== Press esc, then p, press p to paste

Class Exercise 2

123 TEST 456 789
xxx TEST yyy zzz


Select block to insert

ctrl + v: Select block

Insert with large I

ESC Exit mode to command mode, at this point everything is added

Common vim Shortcuts#

Common vim shortcuts

Open file with vim:

# vim e
# ==vim +5 e==

Indicates opening file e and ==moving the cursor to line 3==

# ==vim +/aa e==

Open file e and ==highlight the aa character==

Methods to Exit vim Editor#

Save and exit vim:

Operation key Function

​ ==== Exit ==if no changes have been made to the file==

​ ==!== Discard changes and ==exit==

​ ==== ==Save== the current file and ==exit==

​ ==!== ==Force save== the current file and ==exit==

​ ==== ==Save== the current file and ==exit==

​ ==!== ==Force save== the current file and ==exit==

​ ==ZZ== ==Save== the current file and ==exit== (Note: exit from command mode)

Cursor Movement#

Cursor movement: Up, down, left, right arrow keys (k, j, h, l)


Operation type Operation key Function

==Cursor== direction move ==k, j, h, l== ==Up, Down, Left, Right==


==Page up/down== Page Down or Ctrl+F Scroll ==down== a whole page

​ Page Up or Ctrl+B Scroll ==up== a whole page


==Quick jump within line== Home key or “^”, number “0” Jump to ==beginning of line== (Note: “^” caret symbol)==

​ End key or “$” key Jump to ==end of line==


==Quick jump between lines==

1G or gg Jump to the ==first line== of the file

G Jump to the ==last line== of the file

#G Jump to the ==#th line== of the file

(last line mode):40 Jump to ==line 40==

w Jump to the ==first letter== of each word

e Jump to the ==last letter== of each word

vim Settings#

vim settings

(last line mode) number ==Set line numbers==

(last line mode) nonumber ==Cancel setting==


:set number

 1 aa bb cc
 2 dd ee ff
 1 aa bb cc
 2 dd ee ff
 3 aa bb cc

Delete (Cut), Copy, Paste#

Operation type

Operation key Function


Delete (Note: Generally ==^ beginning of line, $ end of line==)

==x or d or Del Delete== the ==single character== at the cursor

==dd Delete== the current line where the cursor is

==#dd Delete== the ==# lines== of content starting from the cursor

d==^== ==Delete== all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the line

d==$== Delete all characters from the cursor to the end of the line

d==w== ==Delete one word== (word), separated by spaces, colons, etc.



==yy Copy== the entire content of the current line to the clipboard

==#yy Copy== the content of ==# lines== starting from the cursor



Small ==p== Paste== the content from the ==buffer== to the cursor position ==after==

Large ==P Paste== to the cursor position ==before==

File content search

Operation key Function

==/==word ==Search for the string "word"== from top to bottom in the file

==?==word ==Search for the string "word"== from bottom to top in the file

Small ==n== ==Locate the next== matching searched string

Large ==N== ==Locate the previous== matching searched string

(Note: /word and ?word differ in that they have ==opposite directions==)

Cancel Highlighting, Set Line Numbers, Cancel Line Number Setting#

Cancel highlighting: noh
Set line numbers: set nu
Cancel: set nonu

2. vim-tmux and Character Encoding Issues#

File Content Replacement

File content replacement (last line mode)

Command Function

== /old/new== Replace the ==first== occurrence of the string "old" found in the ==current line== with "new"

== /old/new/g== Replace all occurrences of the string "old" found in the ==current line== with "new"

==:#,# s==/old/new/==g== Replace all occurrences of the string "old" with "new" in the ==line number range "#,#"==

==:% s==/old/new/==g== Replace all occurrences of the string "old" with "new" in the ==entire file== global

==== /old/new/==gc== By adding the ==c command== at the end of the replacement command, it will prompt the user for ==confirmation== for each replacement action

==:%s==/feng//==g== Delete all occurrences of "feng"

(Note: /…/… Current line first str

/…/…/g Current line all str

​ :#,#s/…/…/g Line number #,# all str

​ :%s/…/…/g Entire document all str

/…/…/gc Entire document all str confirmation prompt

​ :%s/…//g Entire document all str delete)

(Note: s —— Replace

—— Current line replace

​ #,# —— Line number # to #

​ % —— Entire document

​ g —— All strings

​ c —— Confirmation prompt

​ :%s/…//g —— Entire document all str delete)

==Cache: swp file==

==When writing a file 1.txt==

==First, a copy of 1.txt is made as .1.txt.swp, the actual editing is done on this file==

==When saving, .1.txt.swp will overwrite 1.txt==


Related Operations

In one terminal # vim 2.txt, in another terminal type # ls -al, the prompt is as follows

[root@sanchuang-linux cp]# ==ls -al==
Total usage 88
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4096 Oct 15 15:05 ==.2.txt.swp==


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