


15_Linux Basics - Users and Groups 2

I. Exercises#

1.1 How to know if a user exists in the Linux system?#

1. How to know if a user exists in the Linux system?
cat /etc/passwd
or use the id command

1.2 How to disable a user from logging into the Linux system?#

2. How to disable a user from logging into the Linux system?
Use usermod -L to lock the user
usermod -s /sbin/nologin root

1.3 How to know which groups a user belongs to?#

3. How to know which groups a user belongs to?
Use the id command to check
Use the groups command to check
Check the groups the user belongs to in /etc/group

1.4 How to know which users are currently logged into Linux? Which users have logged into the Linux system before?#

4. How to know which users are currently logged into Linux? Which users have logged into the Linux system before?
Use the w command to check user login status
Use the last command to check users who have logged in before
Example: w who to see currently logged in users
# Note: w provides more detailed information
[root@localhost ~]# w
 09:37:40 up  8:32,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
root     tty1                      Thu09    6:28   0.09s  0.09s -bash
root     pts/3    09:29    4.00s  0.05s  0.03s w
[root@localhost ~]# who
root     tty1         2020-11-05 09:31
root     pts/3        2020-11-06 09:29 (

1.5 How to reset a user's password?#

5. How to reset a user's password?

1.6 What to do if the root password for Linux is forgotten?#

6. What to do if the root password for Linux is forgotten?
      Enter single-user mode
      1. Boot up, press any key to stop the startup screen, then select the corresponding kernel and press e to edit
      2. Find the line starting with linux16 and add rd.break at the end
      3. Press Ctrl-x to start, then follow the steps below to crack the root password
Example: What to do if you forget the root user password?
Answer: Enter single-user mode

1.7 How to kick a user who is already logged into the system? And prevent them from logging in again?#

7. How to kick a user who is already logged into the system? And prevent them from logging in again?
1. Kick out suspicious root login users and immediately change the password
2. sshd---》/etc/hosts.deny hosts.allow -->ip 
3. /etc/ssh/sshd_config -->DenyUsers -->user

1.8 How to turn a regular user into a root user?#

8. How to turn a regular user into a root user?
1. (Not recommended) Modify the /etc/passwd file, find the regular user to be modified, and change the user ID to 0
2. Use sudo privileges


·  Create directories /tech/cali and /tech/sanle, respectively for storing the home directories of user accounts in the project groups;
·  Add group accounts cali and sanle for the two project groups, with GID numbers 1001 and 1002 respectively; add a group account tech for the technical department, with GID number 200;
·  Add 2 users, b1 and b2, requiring their primary group to be cali, additional group to be tech, and home directories to use folders named after their accounts in the /tech/cali directory (e.g., the home directory for user b1 is /tech/cali/b1); set the b2 user account to expire after 2012-12-31;
·  Add 2 users, a1 and a2, requiring their primary group to be sanle, additional group to be tech; home directories to use folders named after their accounts in the /tech/sanle directory (e.g., the home directory for user a1 is /tech/sanle/a1); set the login shell for user a2 to /bin/ksh.
All newly created user passwords are 123456;

1. mkdir -p  /tech/cali /tech/sanle
2. groupadd -g 1001 cali  
     groupadd -g 1002 sanle
     groupadd -g 200 tech
3. useradd -g cali -G tech -d /tech/cali/b1 b1
     useradd -g cali -G tech -d /tech/cali/b2 -e 2020-11-6 b2
4. useradd -g sanle -G tech -d /tech/sanle/a1 a1
     useradd -g sanle -G tech -d /tech/sanle/a2 -s /bin/ksh a2
5. echo 123456|passwd a1 --stdin
     echo 123456|passwd a2 --stdin
Example: Expired accounts cannot log in
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# useradd -e "2012-11-22" sanle3	# Note: Expired accounts cannot log in
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# su - sanle3						# Note: Can switch, cannot log in
[sanle3@sanchuang-linux ~]$ 

II. /etc/group file#

/etc/group file

Note: /etc stores configuration files#

/etc/group file # Note: Can check which accounts have

Group accounts:

  • Primary group (private group)
  • Secondary group (supplementary group)

GID: (Group Identifier)

Linux group accounts

  • Primary group (private group)

The default group related to the user, defined in the fourth field of the /etc/passwd file

  • Secondary group (supplementary group)

Users can belong to other groups simultaneously, defined in the fourth field of the /etc/group file

The name and GID of the user's primary group are related

[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# useradd -g sanchuang4 -G sanchuang5 sanchuang10
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# useradd -g sanchuang4 -G sanchuang5 sanchuang12
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# useradd -g sanchuang5 -G sanchuang4 sanchuang13
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# cat /etc/group
sanchuang4:x:1100:sanchuang13					# Note: Only shows the member list of the secondary group
sanchuang5:x:1200:sanchuang10,sanchuang12		# Note: Only shows the member list of the secondary group
# Note: Group account name: sanchuang5; GID: 1200; member list sanchuang10,sanchuang12
# Note: Only shows the member list of the secondary group
Example: How to check which users are in a group
# Note: Relate to 2 files /etc/passwd /etc/group
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# awk -F: '/sanchuang5/{print $3,$4}' /etc/group	
1200 sanchuang10,sanchuang12				# Note: Fuzzy matching, matches lines containing sanchuang5
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# awk -F: '$1=="sanchuang5"{print $3,$4}' /etc/group	# Note: Add quotes
1200 sanchuang10,sanchuang12				# Note: Exact match
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# vim
group_name=$1           # Note: Group name as parameter
#/etc/group to get its GID and member list
group_msg=`awk -F: -v group_awk=$group_name '$1==group_awk{print $3,$4}' /etc/group`
echo $group_msg # Note: -v option passes shell variable to awk, assigns external $group_name to awk internal variable, used with custom variable during execution
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# sh sanchuang5
1200 sanchuang10,sanchuang12
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# a='1200 sanchuang10,sanchuang12'
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# s1=(a b c d e)
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# s2=($a)			# Note: Convert to array
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo $s2
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo $s2[@]
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${s2[@]}		# Note: Get all elements in the array
1200 sanchuang10,sanchuang12
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${#s2[@]}	# Note: Get array length
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${#s2}		# Note: Get the length of the first element
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${s2[0]}		# Note: Get the first element in the array
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${s2[1]}		# Note: Get the second element in the array
group_name=$1           # Note: Group name as parameter
#/etc/group to get its GID and member list
group_msg=`awk -F: -v group_awk=$group_name '$1==group_awk{print $3,$4}' /etc/group`
# Note: -v option passes shell variable to awk, assigns external $group_name to awk internal variable, used with custom variable during execution
# Note: Get the first element in the array
group_lst=($group_msg)  # Note: Convert to array
group_id=${group_lst[0]}		# Note: gid
group_user_1=${group_lst[1]}	# Note: Members of that group (secondary group)
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# vim
group_name=$1           # Note: Group name as parameter
#/etc/group to get its GID and member list
group_msg=`awk -F: -v group_awk=$group_name '$1==group_awk{print $3,$4}' /etc/group`
# Note: -v option passes shell variable to awk, assigns external $group_name to awk internal variable, used with custom variable during execution
# Note: Get the first element in the array
group_lst=($group_msg)  # Note: Convert to array
# Note: Get /etc/passwd primary group members; tr "\n" "," specifies the delimiter as ,; filter out lines where $4==group_id
group_user_2=`awk -F: -v group_id=$group_id '$4==group_id{print $1}' /etc/passwd|tr "\n" ","`
echo $group_user_2$group_user_1		# Note: Directly concatenate, no need to add “+” sign
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# sh sanchuang5
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# cat /etc/passwd
sanchuang13:x:1034:1200::/home/sanchuang13:/bin/bash	# Note: gid position $4
Summary: How to view which members are in a group
# Shell and awk parameter passing:
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# cat

group_msg=`awk -F: -v group_awk=$group_name '$1==group_awk{print $3,$4}' /etc/group`
group_lst=($group_msg)			# Note: awk -v option defines parameters, passing variables to awk
group_id=${group_lst[0]}		# Note: () brackets convert characters into an array, default split by space, get 1,2 elements
group_user_2=`awk -F: -v group_id=$group_id '$4==group_id{print $1}' /etc/passwd| tr "\n" ","`
echo $group_user_2$group_user_1						# Note: Replace newline with comma
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# sh sanchuang5

Command line
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# less /etc/group
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# awk -F: '$1=="sanchuang5"{print $3}' /etc/group
1200									# Note: Add quotes, indicates a string
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# awk -F: '$1=="sanchuang5"{print $3,$4}' /etc/group
1200 sanchuang10,sanchuang12			# Note: Group id	secondary group members
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# awk -F: '$4==1200{print $1}' /etc/passwd
sanchuang13								# Note: Get the usernames of members when primary group
group_user_2=`awk -F: -v group_id=$group_id '$4==group_id{print $1}' /etc/passwd| tr "\n" ","`
# Note: Replace newline with comma
String slicing				# Note: Not accurate, gid may be 5 digits
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# result=`awk -F: '$1=="sanchuang5"{print $3,$4}' /etc/group`
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${result:0:4}
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${result#* }
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${result:5}
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo ${result%% *}
String slicing:
# String operations
line=`head -n1 /etc/passwd`
echo "The string is: $line"
echo 'The string is: $line'
echo "Extracting the first 4 characters:"
echo ${line:0:4}
echo "Extracting the last 9 characters:"
echo ${line:0-9}
echo "Extracting 4 characters starting from the ninth last character"
echo ${line:0-9:4}
echo "Extracting the last character from the right after the last :"
echo ${line##*:}
echo "Extracting the first character from the left after the first :"
echo ${line#*:}
echo "Extracting the last character from the right before the last :"
echo ${line%%:*}
echo "Extracting the first character from the right before the first :"
echo ${line%:*}
echo "String length"
echo ${#line}
For loop to get
[root@sanchuang-linux lianxi]# vim
result=`awk -F: '$1=="sanchuang5"{print $3,$4}' /etc/group`
for i in $result
    echo $i
[root@sanchuang-linux lianxi]# bash 
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# result=`awk -F: '$1=="sanchuang5"{print $3,$4}' /etc/group`
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# for i in $result; do echo $i; done

III. Group Operations#

3.1 groupadd groupdel#

groupadd command

Format: groupadd [-g GID] group account name

groupdel command

Format: groupdel group account name

Example: groupadd groupdel
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# groupadd -g 5000 sanle	# Note: Create group sanle with gid 5000
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# less /etc/group			#↑Note: Added group account sanle
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# groupdel sanle			# Note: Deleted group account sanle
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# less /etc/group			# Note: No longer exists

3.2 groupmod newgrp#

groupmod command

  • Purpose: Set group name and group id
  • Format: groupmod [options]... group account name

Common command options

  • -n: Modify group name
  • -g: Modify group id

newgrp changes effective group

  • The user must be a member of the group to change

Effective group: (rarely used)
When creating files or directories, the gid used
The gid used corresponds to the group, which is the effective group

When the current user creates files or directories, the gid corresponding to the group used is the effective group

Example: newgrp changes effective group
[root@sanchuang-linux lianxi]# ll				# Note: ll to view detailed directory information
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root      86 Sep  25 14:23 abcd.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root     158 Sep  25 09:47
# Note: The first root is the file owner
# Note: The second root is the file group
[root@sanchuang-linux lianxi]# newgrp sanchuang4
[root@sanchuang-linux lianxi]# touch aa
[root@sanchuang-linux lianxi]# ll
-rw-r--r--  1 root sanchuang4       0 Nov  6 11:25 bb		# Note: Group ownership changed
[root@sanchuang-linux lianxi]# su - sanchuang10
[root@sanchuang-linux lianxi]# touch cc
[sanchuang10@sanchuang-linux ~]$ ll
Total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 sanchuang10 sanchuang4 0 Nov  6 11:27 cc
[sanchuang10@sanchuang-linux ~]$ newgrp sanchuang	# Note: Ordinary users want to switch effective groups, must have this ordinary user in the effective group
newgrp: failed to crypt password with previous salt: Invalid argument
# Note: Ordinary users want to switch effective groups, must have this ordinary user in the effective group

3.3 Linux Group Accounts#

Linux Group Accounts

  • Primary group (private group)

The default group related to the user, defined in the fourth field of the /etc/passwd file

  • Secondary group (supplementary group)

Users can belong to other groups simultaneously, defined in the fourth field of the /etc/group file

The name and GID of the user's primary group are related

IV. gpasswd command#

gpasswd command

  • Purpose: Set group account password (rarely used), add/remove group members
  • Format: gpasswd [options]... group account name
Example: Remove group member root
[root@localhost ~]# gpasswd -d root market
Removing user "root" from group "market"

Example: Set group account password
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# gpasswd sanchuang
Modifying password for group sanchuang
New password:
Please re-enter new password:
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# 

V. Linux Encryption#

Linux encryption

By default, uses the sha512 algorithm

Uses hash algorithms → generates hash values

​ Maps input of any length to fixed-length output, that output is the hash value

​ It's a one-way encryption technique

Hash algorithms: md5 sha1 sha2 sha256 sha512

How to determine if a password is correct?

Note: Encrypt the input password in the same way, then check if the input ciphertext matches the ciphertext in the file#

Example: md5sum
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo "123456"|md5sum 	# Note: md5sum is also a hash algorithm
f447b20a7fcbf53a5d5be013ea0b15af  -				# Note: Regardless of the input, it will return a fixed-length output
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo "123456xyzzzzz"|md5sum 	# Note: One-way encryption algorithm
bcdd6694d1ece311bd7bd668da54b9b9  -
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"|md5sum
7373d8394616d74ba2c42402266ae3aa  -

[root@sanchuang-linux tmp]# md5sum douban		# Note: Encrypting a file
816ba8dd29e68f3450d8748096227d42  douban		# Note: Any file input will have a corresponding length output
[root@sanchuang-linux tmp]# md5sum sucai8
9a44802fc09e1b84dc94740c40aa6450  sucai8

Example: Brute force attack with salt
# Note: Brute force attack
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo "123456"|md5sum		# Note: Same encrypted string, same hash output
f447b20a7fcbf53a5d5be013ea0b15af  -
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo "123456"|md5sum
f447b20a7fcbf53a5d5be013ea0b15af  -
# Note: Adding salt		# Note: Improve password security
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# echo "123456xndfoaei242"|md5sum	# Note: xndfoaei242 is the salt
15465f7aa2929cca95ed7efb97ffeba0  -


Password field: $encryption algorithm id$salt$actual ciphertext
The encryption is implemented using the kernel's crypt function

Python implementation (sha512)
>>> import crypt
>>> crypt.crypt('123456','$6$i4J5vzOUIMpchLRj')	# Note: $encryption algorithm id$salt, ciphertext is the same as above
'$6$i4J5vzOUIMpchLRj$nTCbYWgA5cpv34Set6R2ZmC1AYYHGHnQafNbA9fkFsTR0E9GG1BJP5o3OTMuC4kGUqsomCI/G8FdEVELI/aeq0'		# Note: Matches the ciphertext above
$6 						represents sha512 algorithm
$i4J5vzOUIMpchLRj 		salt
$nTCbYWgA5cpv……aeq0 	actual ciphertext

Hash algorithm usage: Used to determine if the md5 value of a file has changed

VI. /etc/login.defs file#

/etc/login.defs file

  • Sets initial attributes for accounts
  • Sets the UID and GID range for regular users, etc.
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# vim /etc/login.defs 
MAIL_DIR        /var/spool/mail		# Note: Set default address
PASS_MAX_DAYS   99999				# Note: Password expiration days
UID_MIN                  1000

VII. What does the useradd command do in the background?#

What does the useradd command do in the background?


VIII. /etc/skel/* files#

/etc/skel/ files*

  • Copied to the user's home directory when creating a new user account

Mainly controls the user's initial configuration files

  • bash_profile: Executes every time the user logs in
  • bashrc: Executes every time entering a new Bash environment
  • bash_logout: Executes every time the user logs out
  • bash_history: Records the history of commands used before the last logout

When logging in:
~/.bash_profile --> ~/.bashrc --> /etc/bashrc

Entering a new bash environment:
~/.bashrc --> /etc/bashrc


Note: .bash_profile is executed every time you log in#

Note: .bashrc is executed every time you log in # Note: .bash_profile calls .bashrc#

Note: When logging in, .bash_profile is executed first, which calls .bashrc#

Note: When entering a new bash environment, .bashrc is executed#

Note: In the new bash environment, .bashrc is executed, .bash_profile is not executed. .bash_profile is executed when logging in.#

User environment settings

Note: /etc/bashrc is the system user environment settings, alias settings, and other functions#

/etc/bashrc is equivalent to global configuration, this file can only be modified by the root user # Note: /etc/bashrc can only be modified by the root user

~/.bashrc is personal configuration, personalized configuration, can be modified in the home directory # Note: The .bashrc file in the home directory

/etc/profile System global user environment configuration

~/.bash_profile Personal configuration


Global configuration affects all users.

Home directory configuration affects the current user.

Example: Home directory configuration
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# less .bash_profile 
# .bash_profile
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then		# Note: Check if /etc/bashrc exists, if so, execute /etc/bashrc
        . /etc/bashrc			# Note: /etc/bashrc executes the initialization user environment settings
fi								# Note: Use . to execute, . represents the current bash

export PATH

[root@localhost ~]# less .bashrc 
# .bashrc
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc					# Note: Ultimately executes this file
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# which ls		# Note: ls executes /usr/bin/ls, finds through the PATH environment variable from front to back
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

Example: .bash_history records the history of commands used before the last logout
.bash_history stores the current user's command history, when a user logs in for the first time, this file will not be generated
The first login will automatically write the history from memory to the .bash_history file upon logout

[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# history				# Note: history just views the current user's command history

# Note: User command history is only written to .bash_history upon logout
# Note: When a new user is created, .bash_history file will not be generated, it will only be generated after logging out and logging in again
# Note: Not all commands are written to history, it's not very accurate

[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# cat .bash_history 	# Note: View the .bash_history file in the current user's home directory

IX. Print logs to /tmp/sanchuang_log every time sanchuang logs in or out#

Print logs to /tmp/sanchuang_log every time sanchuang logs in or out

1. In the sanchuang user, modify the .bash_profile file, add		# Note: Because this file is executed every time logging in
echo $now_date"login..." >> /tmp/sanchuang_log
2. In the sanchuang user, modify the .bash_logout file, add			# Note: Because this file is executed every time logging out
echo $now_date"logout..." >> /tmp/sanchuang_log
3. Monitor file changes, new lines added at the end								# Note: Often use tail -f to monitor files
$ tail -f /tmp/sanchuang_log	# Note: tail -f monitors changes at the end of the file (newly added lines)
[root@sanchuang-linux log]# su - sanchuang					# Note: Ordinary user operates in their own home directory
Last login: Fri Nov  6 14:59:23 CST 2020pts/1 on
[sanchuang@sanchuang-linux ~]$ vim ~/.bash_profile 			# Note: Operate on the .bash_profile in the home directory
echo $now_date"login..." >> /tmp/sanchuang_log
[sanchuang@sanchuang-linux ~]$ tail -f /tmp/sanchuang_log	# Note: tail -f monitors changes at the end of the file
2020-11-06 15:05:26 CSTlogin...
[sanchuang@sanchuang-linux ~]$ vim ~/.bash_logout 
echo $now_date"logout..." >> /tmp/sanchuang_log
[sanchuang@sanchuang-linux ~]$ tail -f /tmp/sanchuang_log	# Note: tail -f monitors changes at the end of the file
2020-11-06 15:05:26 CSTlogin...
2020-11-06 15:07:33 CSTlogout...

X. Differences in Shell Startup Configuration Files#

Differences in Shell Startup Configuration Files

  • /etc/profile: Configures global environment variables, affects all users
  • ~/.bash_profile: Configures personal environment, affects one user
  • /etc/bashrc: Configures global aliases or shell options, affects all users
  • ~/.bashrc: Configures personal aliases or shell options, affects one user

XI. .bash_history#


Stores the current user's command history, when a user logs in for the first time, this file will not be generated

The first login will automatically write the history from memory to the .bash_history file upon logout

XII. Initialization of bash startup scripts#

Initialization of bash startup scripts



XIII. User and Group Account Queries#

User and Group Account Queries

id command

  • Purpose: Query user identity
  • Format: id [username]

who, w, users commands

  • Purpose: Query information about users logged into the host

groups command

  • Purpose: Query the groups to which a user belongs # Note: Returns the user's primary and supplementary groups

last, lastlog command usage

Example: w who
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# w		# Note: Shows which user you logged in as, not the current user you switched to
 15:26:24 up  6:11,  6 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
root     tty1     -                Thu15   58:07   0.07s  0.07s -bash		# Note: tty real terminal
root     pts/0     14:28    0.00s  0.18s  0.01s w		 # Note: Remote login pts virtual terminal
root     pts/1     14:28   12:24   0.07s  0.01s -bash
# Note: Real terminal FORM is empty
# Note: Virtual terminal shows the physical machine's IP address
# Note: WHAT shows what is currently being done in the environment
# Note: 15:26:24 Current time
# Note: 6:11		Total uptime
# Note: 6 users	Number of logged-in users
# Note: load average	 Average CPU load, the higher the number, the busier the machine
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# who			# Note: Less detailed than w
root     tty1         2020-11-05 15:13
root     pts/0        2020-11-06 14:28 (
root     pts/1        2020-11-06 14:28 (
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# users			# Note: Check which users are currently logged in
root root root root root root
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# groups sanchuang10	# Note: Shows the user's primary and supplementary groups
sanchuang10 : sanchuang4 sanchuang5
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# id sanchuang10
uid=1032(sanchuang10) gid=1100(sanchuang4)  groups=1100(sanchuang4),1200(sanchuang5)
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# last		# Note: View which users have logged in before
root     tty1                          Wed Sep 16 13:41 - 13:41  (00:00)
root     pts/0    Wed Sep 16 13:29 - 13:40  (00:11)
reboot   system boot  4.18.0-193.el8.x Wed Sep 16 13:26 - 13:42  (00:15)
[root@sanchuang-linux ~]# lastlog 	# Note: View the last login status of each user
Username           Port     From             Last login time
root             pts/0                     Fri Nov  6 15:18:46 +0800 2020
bin                                        **Never logged in**
shutdown                                   **Never logged in**

XIV. Terminal Device Names#

Terminal Device Names

​ Name Device

ttyn Virtual console

pts/n Pseudo terminal

:0 X server

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